Handball, Goalkeepers, analysis, effectiveness.Abstract
The role and contribution of each player in a game increases when all the players of the same team are trying with all their might for the same purpose, the win. One of the main contributors of this effort is the efficiency of the player who struggling under the post (goalkeeper) in order to infringe as little as possible compared with the post of the opponent goalkeeper. The purpose of this study was to compare and examine whether the somatometric characteristics and the effectiveness of the goalkeepers (GK) high level, contribute and how to achieve a winning result. All GK who declared and competed in the Croatian European Championship in 2018 were tested and compared, categorized based on the percentage of efficiency each of them presented in the championship in live-game throws and 7-meter throws. Their individual effectiveness was also evaluated by the final ranking of their teams in the championship. Statistical analysis of the data was performed with SPSS 24.0 statistical package and more specifically Crosstabs (Independence Check) command. The analysis showed that GK are classified in the category of “high” GK, in terms of age are older than other players. In terms of efficiency, it seemed that the GK whose teams were ranked first in the championship showed lower rankings than those whose teams were ranked lower. This leads us to conclude that the effectiveness of the GK does not determine or guarantee the performance of a team but just contributes to the good performance of each player. On the contrary, the excellent defense function on the one hand restricts the activity of the offensives, on the other hand, it facilitates the GK in the process of repulse of the throws.References
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