alkaline water, ophiolites, limestones, Apuseni MountainsAbstract
Consumption of alkaline water by the general population has increased over the past two decades, as certain customers value this type of water for its presumed ability to promote health. In spite of the commercial interest for natural alkaline water sources suitable for drinking purposes, relatively few scientific publications related to the occurrence of these waters are available. This article presents the results of a preliminary survey for alkaline water in the Southern Apuseni Mountains. This region has been selected as study area due to the presence of limestones and ophiolitic rocks, very often in contact with each other, both having the potential to bring the pH of natural waters to the alkaline range. A total of 78 sampling points, represented by streams, lakes, springs and dug wells have been investigated, and the physico-chemical common parameters were measured in the field. Alkaline water with pH above 8.0 has been found in almost 29 sampling points, out of which 7 points had a pH above 8.5. Most of the points were represented by surface running water. The prospective areas, as identified by this survey, correspond to Trascau Mts., and to the western (predominantly ophiolitic) part of the Metaliferi Mts. The data included in this paper may represent the starting point for a systematic survey and for a detailed study of the potential alkaline water resources in the study area.
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